Miles Davis

"Nature Boy" is a song by eden ahbez, published in 1947. The song tells a fantasy of a "strange enchanted boy... who wandered very far" only to learn that "the greatest thing... was just to love and be loved in return". Nat King Cole's 1948 recording of the song was a major hit and "Nature Boy" has since become a pop and jazz standard, with dozens of major artists interpreting the song.

Blue Mood is 1955 album by Miles Davis. It brings Miles Davis together with Charles Mingus, accompanied by Elvin Jones on drums. The arrangement of "Alone Together" was by Charles Mingus, while the other tracks were arranged by Teddy Charles.
It was released on Mingus's own Debut Records label. According to the original sleeve notes, the relatively short playing time of the album was because "the recording was cut at 160 lines per inch (instead of the usual 210 to 260 lines per square inch) making the grooves wider and deeper and allowing for more area between the grooves for bass frequencies […] and was deemed necessary to reproduce the extended bass range and give the listener more quality to that of high fidelity tape recording."

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